We then headed down to the pier so the boys--Ryan, Andy & Ian--could enjoy the beautiful Irish sea.
While waiting for Honor to come and pick us up...we played a good ole fashion game of hacky sack, which by the way, i suck at terribly. I think we were a bit too loud--what a shock--and had people staring at us for a wee bit.
When Honor arrived, instead of having her make 2 trips, we all--6 of us--piled into her new VW Bug; which had Shauna sitting on my lap in the front seat. It was a riot. She was so close, so I kept hugging and nuzzling her. However, the hysterics came in on overload when we came to a stop and a car pulled up next to us. It was a tad uncomfortable and I couldn't look at the man driving his little black jetta. And when we finally opened our eyes--as Shauna had to close hers too--we saw this man trying to tell us something. I'm pretty sure he wasn't happy with us by the way he was looking and pointing. And we were already giggly from the situation we were in, but as we looked at this man pointing and shouting, we started laughing even harder. We laughed so hard, we cried.
(Shauna on my lap BEFORE the hysterics!!)
The evening concluded with dinner--the chipper--and good conversation before we all headed off to a good night's sleep.
Today we head to camp. I'm super excited to see those beautiful Irish Kids faces that i've missed so much.