Yesterday was a great day. It was utterly awesome!!Earlier in the year, the Lord was speaking to me about what it means to love. Really Love!! And He began speaking to me about "celebrating" those I love and more importantly who He loves. I mulled over for awhile how to celebrate people. I decided it was time to start throwing parties for people merely on the basis that they are loved and should be celebrated. Well, my friends, yesterday was so exciting for me because I was able to throw another party for someone who deserved so much to be celebrated. And I'm happy to report we were able to love on her, shock her and bless her to the core.
The Love Fest Recipient: Shauna LottHere she is thinking she was attending a Housewarming Party for the Waneka's/Shelsta's/Emerick household.
(Yes, we are firm believers of community living!) At this point, she still thinks she's at the housewarming party and making small talk with Julia.
The Ambush: After a bit of chatting I asked everyone for a moment of their time because I wanted to say something and then.... SURPRISE!!!, Shauna we are here for you.

I pulled her over to a chair we so that we could focus all of our attention on her and lavish her with our love. In the above picture I think she's trying to figure out how Aubrey got this past her.
The Love Feast: Words of encouragement, love and lots of wine.
I try to make these parties as personal as possible. Those of you who know Shauna, know that she is an afficianado of wine. Therefore, on the invite I asked everyone along with their prayer/blessing/word of encouragement to purchase her a bottle of wine that describes Shauna in some way. Whether it be the name, the picture, the way the wine is described, etc. Plus, by doing this we were able to build her a nice little wine collection.

I believe when all was said and done she had 15 bottles of wine to add to her collection. Everyone was so creative and got very involved when picking out a bottle of wine for her. None of the bottles were the same and each had such a unique reasoning behind it. I loved how everyone spoke such words of life over her and encouraged her in ways that were unique to each of them.
There was much laughter and joy. Just like Shauna brings all of us. It was fitting for her jovial personality.

Here's Tyler explaining his bottle he chose for her. Perfectly called, "Woop Woop"!

Aubrey with the bounty of wine telling Shauna how much she loves her.

More Vino, with a carrying case for 6. Because one bottle is never enough!

At parties end, I know we were able to get one surprise by her; and I believe that Shauna was able to feel the love from her friends, but more importantly how much God truly loves her.
That evening she wrote us all a little thank you note and I wanted to share part of it here...
"as i was sitting there today listening to each of you speak such kind words, jesus was continually revealing himself to me even through the shock of not sitting at a housewarming party but sitting at a surprise party for me instead. i was left speechless at the party (a tough feat so well done), so i wanted to share them with you briefly. first, god really does set the lonely in families. second, we know him by our love for one another. this scripture kept running through my head: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." i knew him on a much deeper level today through your love, kindness, and generosity towards me. again, thank you."And that my friends is what it's all about!!! I hope more people catch the "love fest-throw you a party just because-you should be celebrated" bug. There's nothing like it. I believe it's truly one of the most important things that I do. Showing people you love them is so fulfilling. And it doesn't have to be big parties. There are many ways to celebrate someone. Just dig inside your creativity and go for it. You won't regret it at all. You'll never say, "man I wish I didn't shower that person with love unexpectedly today". Actually, you will understand even more the great love of the Lord. It's amazing!!!