And who is MacBeth you ask? Well, MacBeth is my new Macbook. Did I mention how excited I am??? Yes, completely, utterly, and so very euphorically excited that I have a new mac friend. And of course, I am now part of the "Mac Family"!!! Which, by the way, is a very welcoming group.

So, YES, i love MacBeth!! In fact, in the Mac store, outside of the mac store and all the way home, I did a little "i got a macbook" dance. I don't even care who saw.
I'm sure most people are curious at why I would name him? and even more so, why I would name him after a Shakespearean tragedy; but it just kinda fits. I love Shakespeare, Scotland, theater, plays, the dramatic!!!, etc. So MacBeth, just sorta fit!! If you don't like it. Well, then I guess it sucks to be you. ;)
Now, by a few people, ahem...Corky & Nick, I have already been "attacked," okay not really attacked, but questioned, because I would only use my Macbook for things like MySpace, Email and other trivial internet uses. And to them I must say, So What? If that is how I choose to use my MacBeth, then that's what I choose to do with it!! Just Deal. I don't need to explain myself or how I choose to use MacBeth. If it's solely an internet used mac. Then how lucky am I to have such an amazing, beautiful, well-oiled machine, such as a macbook, to spend hours trolling along my merry way through internet bliss.
Yay me!
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