Monday, May 7, 2007


My life is in a season of change. And those who know me well, know that I have a bittersweet relationship with change. Change is hard for me, even change that is for the better. But right now God is changing my world upside down. I can't complain, I asked for it. For the past 2 months, I have been asking the Lord to radically change my life. And let me say, my world is definitely being radically changed.

(note to self: be more specific in my prayers or be prepared for the consequences!)

~~~Breathe in, Breathe out, Breathe in, Breathe out ~~~

So each day I remind myself to take deep breaths and to go with the flow. My journey is not my own anymore. I have to get out of the way and let God guide my steps. (I can do it, I can!)

Now, I'll just wait and see what unfolds....

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