Thursday, July 31, 2008

heat advisory

it's been so f-ing hot lately. says we are in the "dog days of summer!" nice. no...not so nice. i can hardly stand it. why did i move to a state where they don't believe in air conditioners? i mean, what the f? i have more than once, woken up in the middle of the night, crazy hot and uncomfortable, so i run jump in the shower to cool off and try to fall back asleep.

note to self: on the next move...try to be somewhere that air conditioners are encouraged if its going to reach sweltering highs for ongoing periods.

i feel a little led on about the perfect weather in boulder. but of course, it's my fault too. i mean, i believed that the weather was never too hot, nor too cold. i should've known that being so much closer to the sun might make it a tad on the, "oh my goodness my skin is melting off" side of things. well, that's what i get for believing in the idea of perfect weather. it's just not true.


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