Sarah and I have been going
GREEN in the area of transportation this summer!!!
Me, because I want to save gas,
Sarah because her brakes on her car are no more.
I love public transportation...
however, my high strung stick to the plan side of me does not always enjoy waiting when they are behind schedule. Because if you have to catch a connection...then you're screwed. Okay okay, I must admit, I'm getting the Boulder
go with the flow, it's all good vibe, don't pollute the earth with your gas guzzling ride down. And, you know, the extra wait time, that others find so inconvenient because they need to get there quicker, isn't so bad. Actually, it gives me at least a good 45 minutes a day to myself to think and be alone--well as alone as you can be on a bus filled with a diverse group of people. you know what i mean, anyway, moving on...!!!! I have that extra time to process my day, read a book--right now I am reading
The Hobbit, and overall have time to not have anyone demand/ask/need something of me. And that, my friends, is priceless!
HOLLA for the Denver RTD!!!!