Thursday, February 12, 2009

new music i love

for the past month, i have been loving Kristene Mueller. If you haven't heard of her or her music...GO to her website...listen and enjoy!!

Here's a wee clip of who she is....


becca said...

Beautiful! I love the song "trust". This album is going on my must download iTunes list :) Thanks for sharing!

Raelynn said...

i love the entire album. i listen to it over and over at work...and then home. :)

i also really love the song "All my devotion"!!

i think you'll LOVE the entire album, honestly. i know i do.

Rebecca said...

i love her! i've downloaded both 'those who dream' and 'ports of call' and i love them for different reasons. 'ports of call' is definitely more interesting musically but the lyrics are awesome on the other album.

thanks, rae rae!

Rebecca said...

one more thing....i LOVE, LOVE, LOVE (!!!) that she has a vision & hope for San Francisco, one of my favorite cities on the planet. i pray for SF every time i go in and out of her borders and know that one day she will be known for the glory of God, not sin.

i also hope kristene finds equal love & hope in her heart for israel as she wears her palestinian scarf in this video. LOVE builds bridges, not walls, as i am discovering.