me: i'm going to tell you something....don't judge me....
Jennifer: haha. never!! what is it??
me: i kinda want to see the miley cyrus movie
Jennifer: lol! I don't judge. i'm sure it's a good movie, being based on Nicholas Sparks. those are all good. i just don't think i could get past miley cyrus' acting. and her voice. lol
me: ha ha....i know....but the suspense is sorta killing me
Jennifer: suspense?
me: of just knowing what that movie is about
Jennifer: lol. you could just read the book! ;)
me: with a name like "last song"
Jennifer: true
me: and nicholas sparks?! who knows?
Jennifer: it sounds good
and THEN it happened. the conversation turned to this.....
Jennifer: have I told you about The Pioneer Woman and my slight obsession with her and her website?
me: No! What???
Jennifer: it's and I'm in love with her. she's in Oklahoma, and she has this cooking/everything under the sun website that now gets like 20 million hits a month. she's a "city girl turned cattle rancher's wife"
me: ha....i must read this
So, I took a little stroll over to The Pioneer Woman's page and immediately knew I was going to love it. Blogging. Photography. Cooking. Home and Garden. And more. Her writing is fantastic and completely pulls you. I won't lie. After reading her story of her romance with the Marlboro Man, aptly titled "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels", I decided I MUST marry a cowboy and live on a ranch. Yep, I said it. This is what the Pioneer Woman has done to me. Lord, help me!!!
I love that she lives in the Great State of Oklahoma. Oh, how I utterly adore that she is a fellow Oklahoman. It sorta makes me want to move back to my home State. I just know she and I would be Besties!! We would take photos, make crass jokes, wrangle kids and sit on the front porch drinking sweet tea and laughing about the randomness of life, (Insert those beautiful Oklahoma sunsets here.), all while our cowboy husbands farmed the land.
I have a friend crush. It's true.
Thank you, Jenn for introducing me to my newest obsession. I long to be a Pioneer Woman now. I'm thinking about trading in my Steve Madden's for a life on the ranch. But, I guess I deserve it; after all, I did introduce you to him....

Poor Steve. He didn't see this one coming!!
She autographed my cookbook! Rachel & I have bonded over PW for two years. Where have you been? Oh yeah, in CO.
Damn it!! I need an autographed cookbook.
ha ha! I love it!!
I feel exactly the same way. I love her! And it definitely makes me miss OK too.
Oh and THANKS for RPattz. yum. :-D
Misty--I'm jealous!! I am so upset that I will miss her cookbook signing in Stillwater next weekend. I wish I was there.
As always, I am totally out of sync with the hip, cool Okie chicks.
Norway, any one? ;)
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