Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Can't sleep

...and the thoughts that are running through my head are weirdly all about running and as

1. I wish I could sleep.
2. I don't want to run in the morning.
3. Running is stupid.
4. Please, Lord, let me fall asleep.
5. If I don't go to sleep soon I'll have to skip running and then I'll have to run more on Thursday.
6. Running is the thorn in my side.
7. Why am I running?
8. Gosh, I really need to sleep!!!
9. Run. Sleep. Run. Sleep.
10. Why me?

This post is absolutely pointless; but I can't sleep and thought it might waste some time why'll I'm WIDE awake--but should be sleeping as 530am comes early!
Lord, give me grace for running!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my funder wonder iPhone

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