It's that time of year again. I have the baking bug. The need to be a
domestic goddess like my friends
Halen and
Becca. I think its the cooler temperatures that tempt me to find my inner domesticity. As well as, there's something about baking and cooler weather that is comforting to me. To those of you who don't know the inner workings of Raelynn, I like to bake in my high heels and yoga pants. I may, or may not, also speak in a variety of voices. Voice of choice for yesterday,
Julia Child. Also, yesterday, I decided that
just maybe I need an apron to complete my random, but oh so sexy
{NOT} look. Plus I had flour ALL over me. I spent the day baking until I had other obligations that beckoned my name. Namely, work. Boo to the hoo.
Baking experience for Sunday November 7th:
Homemade, from scratch--spent a good hour peeling and slicing up apples--apple pie
Not from a box or freezer, thank you very much, lasagna!!
It was all scrumdiddlyumpcious!!!!
Here's the filling that made the house smell like cinnamony, grandma's house on a Saturday morning, better than a
yankee candle GOODNESS.....

And here's the pie all nicely put together....

My intention was to take a pic after the fact, my life is,
craziness distracted me. And as soon as the lasagna was scarfed down, the family was ready for some yummy pie. I can't show you a picture, but I can promise you that it was fan-flippin'-tastic!!! I was impressed with myself. Actually I think I pulled a muscle giving myself a pat on the back.