Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Random Finds

I've made it. Utah is my new home. It took a very boring, not because of the company but because of 1-80 the end of the world, drive. The point is I arrived. Safe, happy, anxious, excited, scared to pieces. Yet ready to face the new adventure.

I'm trying to get everything organized so I can feel more at home. The organization helps distract the homesickness I have been feeling since E & R drove away. Tonight while cleaning/purging/organizing my stash of odds and ends, I stumbled upon these fun little finds tucked away in the back of my jewelry thingamabob...

  1. Photo of a very young Papa Rod. I miss him so much. And it only fuels the homesickness I'm feeling right at this moment.
  2. An old Oklahoma drivers license. I look so young. Oh those were the days of no wrinkles and no gray hair.
  3. Keys: 1 to a house in Stillwater, 1 to a post office box somewhere, 1 to I have no freakin' clue.
  4. 6.39 in Euros
  5. 10 pesos

It's funny how you stash things away and then forget them. Or maybe it's that you are not sure what to do with the stuff so you just put it somewhere only to forget about it and then years later decide to organize because its what helps you cope with the overwhelming homesickness you're feeling that honestly you've never experienced before and that homesickness makes you want to curl up in a corner and cry like a baby until you can't cry anymore. Yes, a very bad run on sentence. But that's what the homesickness has done to me.

Hmmm. It's really late. I never stay up this late.

I must continue organizing.

1 comment:

Jana Martin said...

you are so funny! you have no gray hairs.
but anyways, i think we should put those euros to use and go to France together ;)
I'm thinking of you...and your beautiful face.