Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Big O

On my 16th day in my new State of Utah I got a job. Whoop, Praise Him!! I am super excited and encouraged with the opportunity and potential this job holds. After I got the call, accepted, called everyone I love to tell them how extremely excited and blessed I was that God has a perfect plan laid out for me, I knew exactly how I would celebrate. How you ask? It's simple...


However, I found my only dilemma was which one I wanted. Did I want the Regular, Super or The Multiple? After much deliberation I went with just the regular ole Orgasm. And let me tell you, friends, I am not disappointed!! Fan-freakin'-tastic!!! I feel so giddy and peachy and beautiful. The glow is fabulous. I've decided to save Super and The Multiple for my next celebrations in which I need to live it up. You know, start at the beginning and then continue to grow the Orgasm collection.

If you don't have Orgasm, Get it!!! You won't be disappointed. Just click HERE and all your Orgasm dreams can come true.

Ooh, la la...this was so risque of me. Just a fun little play on words folks.
You gotta lighten up. Deal with it.


Cora Lynn said...

Sorry, forgot to logout hubs before posting my I deleted it and now here it is again. (:
I wish we could have been friends. I love, love, love this post. I hope you are having a great time in Utah. Maybe we can still be friends but far apart so that when you come back to visit I can be like: "What's up Raelynn? Remember that time you posted about makeup, but it's called orgasm? And how I thought that was awesome? Yeah, that was awesome."

Rebecca said...

Wow. I'm not sure Utah is good for you, little RaeRae!

Raelynn said...

Cora...we definitely can still be friends. I'll just be here and you'll be there. Lets email and get to know each other. So, when I'm in CO next I can be, "Hey remember that time I blogged about Orgasm and you thought it was awesome? Good times, good times Friend!!"

Oh Rebecca, you haven't seen anything yet. ;)

Rebecca said...
