Sunday, September 13, 2009

i'm getting more loving-er

really, i mean really???


Raelynn said...

Oh Hope....

You must have really been missing us to brave ANTM!! Just know that you are missed desperately by those here who love you.

Regarding the crazy Amber: Jacki and I were in hysterics when she did the, "Jesus you are my best friend" part. We paused the show...laughed till we cried, literally...and then asked the Lord to immediately take her from the show. And look, prayer works. ;)

Rebecca said...

she was scary. did you ever hear why she was taken off? they said it was for personal reasons and i wondered if she might have run out of meds or something ;)

Raelynn said...

REBECCA!!! Did you watch ANTM??? And don't blame it on Chad, 'cause I won't believe it.