Wednesday, July 27, 2011
why i shouldn't be sick for an extended period of time
Oh the perils of sickness. Why do you hover around me? Is it that you feel I should be irritable, unsociable, achy, groggy and drained for over a week and half now? I fought against you while in Colorado. I wouldn't let you keep me down while I was with those lovlies. But here you are in full force. Pushing back. Pushing stronger. And here I am being a pushover. Yet, I still have some fight in me. Even if you don't care that the next week and half is overwhelmingly busy. You pretend to be blind to the fact that I have much to do and no time to do it in. You have no concern for my feelings of health and vibrancy. Bastard, how very dare you!! You keep me up at night tossing and turning. You keep me drugged where my roommates think i'm hallucinating. You have been a pain in my arse for 12 days and nights now. You have me talking to you as if you are a person. And if you respond, I won't worry or become concerned that I'm hearing voices. I'll know its the cold and cough meds kicking in and working their healing wonders and I'll soon be drifting off into sleepy time land. In spite of your non-concern for me, I tell you this...I will prevail. I may sound like Liza Minelli or Kathleen Turner or like I've been smoking for a hundred years. My throat may burn and my ears may ache. BUT, the show must go on regardless of your callousness. I will prevail, damn it! I will prevail.
Monday, July 25, 2011
off the top of my head...
Colorado, you were AMAZING!!!
Carter & Kofahl Fams, I MISS you so much.
Sarah & Jenn, thanks for the uncontrollable LAUGHS this past Friday.
Blonde Girl, step OFF my unicorn be-@tc#!!
Unicorn, get in gear and become a stallion ALREADY.
Those who aren't in the unicorn know, so SORRY!!
YMCA of BV, oh shucks...I HEART you. So happy to see as many of you as I did.
Lady on the plane, you really need to learn rules of PERSONAL space.
Sickness, here's a flash: I'm SICK of you. Go away.
Shannon, I love YOUR love of the Bachelorette and Adam Levine.
Utah, I missed you. I feel I'm getting into the swing of things here. You make me HAPPY.
Alka Seltzer, WORK your healing wonders.
Bed, I'll be seeing you SOON!!!!!!!!
Carter Fam,
Kofahl Fam,
off the top of my head,
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
we do what we do
i've been working long days.
but it's all for the greater pay off.
yet, the long days combined with sickness...
equals a very tired raelynn.
very tired!!!
getting up early.
staying up late.
ps... i have found that dayquil makes me a space case while attempting to work and do my job.
pss... speaking of being a space case, i need to tell a funny story of when i was at the beginning stages of sickness and was doped on drugs and slept an entire day away. basically, shannon and chris thought i had lost my mind and was hallucinating. but again, i'm tired, so, basically that means, to be continued, friends....
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Dear Blog Readers,
I totally intended to write you something lovely, fun and full of my witty witty ways. But as you know I was up late, hence the midnight posting. So instead, I am snuggling into my bed right now. I've taken the advilPM and am going to drift off, hopefully, into deep dream land.
Love, hugs and happiness to you all!!
Off the top of my head...
I'm really excited I was able to see Amber Sweeney this evening--even if it was just for dinner. Sometimes, layovers, area good thing.
I'm irritated that I'm not sleeping right at this moment.
Friends are amazing gifts that should be treasured and celebrated. Even the fake ones. You know who you are (wink, wink!!)...I adore you!!
I miss the Stum-y-Garcia's. SO MUCH!!
Reunions in airports always make me weepy. My heart is still smiling from the ones I saw today.
I love people watching. You learn so much, merely by observing.
Apparently, God hears me LOUD and CLEAR! Hmpphhh!! Well, then why does He not give me what I want, or work in my time frame, or do things the way I see it, or...? Seriously, Isn't it all about me? Wait, what? It's not. Tragic.
I didn't run or walk today. I almost feel guilty. Almost.
All we need is love. Love is all we need.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
I went to the SLC Jazz Festival with Corky and Sharon tonight. It was relaxing and fun. Even when the crazy wind gusts came in and I was attacked by twigs from the tree above my head. Seriously. When I got home I was still pulling them out of my shirt. There were quite a few interesting characters there, which was awesome for my need to people watch. I also learned that some SLC folks, nobody how hard they try, do not have rhythm.

Also, at one point this lady came and sat in front of me and I was so distracted wondering, "What would Stacy and Clinton think?"

That's all.
Also, at one point this lady came and sat in front of me and I was so distracted wondering, "What would Stacy and Clinton think?"
That's all.
Friday, July 8, 2011
I heart mojitos
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Strengths Test
Everyone here in Utah, literally almost everyone--just kidding..but not really--has taken the Strengths test. It's from the book called, "Now Discover Your Strengths". Not wanting to be left out, I rushed down to nearest B&N to get the book.
'Cause I'm in the know. I'm hip. I'm happenin'!
Okay, actually...
I feel like everyone has at some point in conversation since I've moved here has said, "Have you taken the strengths test? What are yours?" In reality I tried and tried not to take it, 'cause damn it I don't conform anymore just because everyone else is doing it. But after chattering Sharon's ears off for hours about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, she suggested I take the test. At first, the rebellious monster inside of me was like, Hell to the nah! But after a little thought and consideration I figured it wouldn't hurt. After all I am working on an upgrade in my life. And upgrades take work, take initiative, take tests to get better acquainted with oneself.
So as you may have guessed I took myself to Barnes and Nobles and got the "Strengths Finder 2.0" -the improved version, which was on sale, WORD! On Tuesday evening I took the Strengths test to see exactly how I roll--if your picking up what I'm laying down. There are 34 different themes, or strengths. Once you finish the test, they give you the top 5 themes from strongest down.
Here's my results...
People who are especially talented in the Positivity theme have an enthusiasm that is contagious. They are upbeat and can get others excited about what they are going to do.
People who are especially talented in the Includer theme are accepting of others. They show awareness of those who feel left out, and make an effort to include them.
People who are especially talented in the Restorative's theme are adept at dealing with problems. They are good at figuring out what is wrong and resolving it.
Here's my results...
People who are especially talented in the Positivity theme have an enthusiasm that is contagious. They are upbeat and can get others excited about what they are going to do.
People who are especially talented in the Includer theme are accepting of others. They show awareness of those who feel left out, and make an effort to include them.
People who are especially talented in the Restorative's theme are adept at dealing with problems. They are good at figuring out what is wrong and resolving it.
People who are especially talented in the Empathy theme can sense the feeling of other people by imagining themselves in others' lives or others' situations.
People who are especially talented in the Woo theme love the challenge of meeting new people and winning them over. They derive satisfaction from breaking the ice and making a connection with another person.
People who are especially talented in the Woo theme love the challenge of meeting new people and winning them over. They derive satisfaction from breaking the ice and making a connection with another person.
Are you surprised? I'm not.
After you are given the results, they also include a broader synopsis of the theme with some ideas for action and application. The goal is to teach you how to best work within your strengths in order to succeed. As you learn about the other themes, you also learn how to work with others who's themes are opposite of yours.
Though I was rebellious, I have learned a lot. And they aren't wrong at all because as I read the broader definition and the applications, I was constantly laughing and saying, "that's definitely me!" I love it when that happens. The test is really great because it doesn't allow for you to edit yourself in a way so you will score high on something. You know everyone does that on tests, so they feel better about themselves and can be like, "see I'm so humble and good!!" This comes at you practically and asks in a way that you can't help but answer honestly.
I say, if you haven't done it...give it a go!! Just do it. You know you want to. Okay, be rebellious for a wee moment and then do it. Honestly, it has helped me shed light on why I do what I do. And the bonus is reading about other themes/strengths. Now I'm also learning about what makes those who are not like me tick. You know, what floats their boat. Revs their engine. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Do it, do it, do it. Then let me know your results.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
some favorites
i know i haven't blogged in a bit. Jon Acuff told me that if i wanted to keep my readers i needed to give you something every day. i'm learning folks, i'm learning. it's a process. still learning balance of my blog. 'Cause trust me, i got lots to say. blah, blah, blah. i do have some thoughts for you, but until i can put them down here for your eyes to feast upon, here are some of my favorites lately for you to enjoy as much as I have...
- The body image of a Coke Bottle blog post by the amazingly talented Jill Carter of Common Couture.
- Anything by Jon Acuff.
- My girl crush, Zooey Deschanel. Oh, Zooey, I covet thy oxen. (i.e. all of her talent and utter coolness)
- I've been enjoying Pinterest lately. It's a great place to organize and keep all things Y-O-U! My friend Misty is a Pinterest maniac. She has like 3o something boards and over 1600 pins. That's what I love about her. :)
- Close your eyes and enjoy, Hope Glenn...
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