what is this game i speak of?
Bubble Wrap!!
this free little application for the iPhone brings heated competition out of the most beloved friends. fierce competition too. first i was thinking that my friends and i were crazy addicted and maybe needed to get a hobby; but NO they even have forums for this application.
picture this....
nice time chatting amongst friends and somehow our conversation went to iPhones--okay, not somehow, these users are addicted--and i foolishly ask the following question, "have you ever played the bubble wrap game?" becca immediately goes to the application and off we go. then aaron decides that he wants to join in on the fun; but not only that, he proudly proclaims that he's going to beat us all. and then he starts his bubble wrap journey--he even had warm ups he did before each try. battle on!! as the battle for the top spot begins we soon realize that one phone is not enough--plus others in the room want to join the craze; so aaron decides to download it to his phone. now we have 2 phones being battered by wild fingers trying to pop as many bubbles as they can to get the high score.
i must say, this isn't the first time this "competition" has happened--for me anyway. last time i was playing with halen, asher, rachel and jacki. man the drive and concentration jacki had was priceless. i had never seen the competitive beast come out of her before. not until the bubble wrap application entered her world.
with tonight's competition, unfortunately, i have to admit that aaron did in fact beat us all. he bragged A LOT about it too. knowing him, he's probably bragged on his facebook status about his mad skills. well phooey on you aaron strumpel. i'll prevail next time. you won the battle my friend, not the war.
um, yeah. well, i get quite competitive. i don't know where it comes from. i just want to win.
it's a silly little game, but you can't help but love it.
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