Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I Wish It Would Rain

Today i've been missing my dad. My heart has been aching for the sweet memories of what life was like with him before the accident that stole most of his memories--and almost ALL of the ones in the latter part of his life, which includes his kids. And my mind has been overwhelmingly flooded with memories of my childhood that involved him & I, and our shared love of "Classic" Motown! And by classic, I mean the Greats and Legends like The Temptations, Marvin Gaye, Smokey Robinson, The Four Tops and the Commodores...just to name a few. I have many memories of my dad and I listening ---with me singing and dancing the classic motown routines---to the Temptations and the Four Tops for hours in our living room. We didn't have much, but we had our record player. Maybe that's why music is so vital in my life? That's mainly what we had to entertain ourselves with! And what amazing memories I have of music in my house. I can safely say that all of us kids have fond memories of those Motown nights held at the Longhat house.

Little unknown fact about me, my very first concert was when I was 10 years old and I went to a Revival "Temptaions/Four Tops" Tour Review. It was awesome!! Yeah, I said it.

And back to the main point...
I've been thinking a lot about my dad. And I've been hearing the songs my dad used to sing as we played his LP's & 45's. But what has made this memory so sad today is knowing since his accident a few years ago, i'm the only one who has those memories. He can't share them with me anymore. And it makes me feel as if some of my childhood--some of the most precious times-- was taken from me. Because we will never be able to look back and laugh about those times when I would twirl around the room in classic "Temptations" fashion. And all day as i've been taking a walk down memory lane, i've been longing to call him so we could laugh and talk about things of old. But, alas, I have to remind him of who I am half the time; and even then, I don't think he really believes me. So today, through heartache and tears, I mourn a life with my dad that will never be again. But, I will forever treasure those memories and carry them in my heart always.

All I can say is...

"Sunshine, blue skies, please go away...
I know to you, it might sound strange,
but I wish it would rain"


Misty Bradley said...

My heart aches for you, too. It won't be the same, but you can call me and tell me all your stories. I love you!

Raelynn said...

ahh, thanks so much!!