So yesterday, late morning/early afternoon--does it really matter, I was lying in bed perusing the Internet when I heard the doorbell ring.
**ding dong** I stopped what I was doing, went to the door and there was the mail lady with a very large package that had to be signed for. Of course, it was for Kate. She gets packages all the time. Honestly, I never check anymore to see if it's for me, because, DENIED, it's never for me. Oh, how I long for the days of fun mail and not just bills. But, I digress. So, there I am looking at this big box and Kate says,
"I bet it's my Rife Machine." Huh??
For those of you, who like me, had no clue what a Rife Machine is....apparently it has something to do with oscillatory rates, frequencies and destroying bacteria in your body.
You can learn more about it here. I still don't really understand it, but its supposed to help Kate with her
lyme's disease, hopefully. Okay, I'm down with anything to help Kate with that, for reals.
So, she opens up the package and pulls out the Rife machine.

Rife Machine
and, again, i was like,
Kate reading about all the different ailment frequencies.
So, I don't really get this machine, but if it helps the lyme's disease then I'm 100% behind it. I must say it brought a lot of laughter to our household last night. I couldn't help but laugh because i kept saying,
"oh kate, i'm going to have to blog about this" and she kept saying,
"people are going to think i'm a weirdo or crazy and into freaky healing stuff!" I assured her that no one would think that and that we all want a quick healing and if the Rife Machine helps--then it helps. But i also told her that I must introduce the Rife Machine into the world. The evening became even more funny when Brianna and her purple spandex showed up.
More on that later!

The Rife Machine with the lights off--i wanted to see it all lit up. it's kinda freaky!!
I can confidently say I'm not sure how this breaks bacteria by sitting in front of it? but when Kate was showing us how it worked, we did a frequency for sinuses since I've been struggling for a month with allergies, sinus trouble and bronchitis, my nose started to get this weird sensation and started to run. FREAKY!! Maybe I made it up or it was a coincidence, I don't know? But all this to say, this little contraption is a part of my household happenings for a season. There's always something crazy fun going on over here. What must the neighbors think?
There is a whole book about rife machines used to treat Lyme disease at - just thought I'd pass that along. It has apparently helped many people. You can also watch videos about Lyme and rife on youtube at - thanks - cya later
I have read a lot on so called Rife Machines. The best info I found was on I have watched their videos over and over and read alot of books after watching these DVD's. Its amazing what you can find out when some truth is placed before you. I also found the machine that you have on your post and wanted to stack in up against other machines. I found a very well done comparisson chart on I even called some manufactures to make sure it was correct. Both sites are amazing. I got my machine through that last site. I hope this helps anyone else who may be dealing with lyme disease or any other ailment that mainstream medicine has a hard time with.
Glad to see your post, rife generator is fine to improve wellness in a short time. Rife machine is absolutely wonderful for a quick fix and that can easily be sustained by repeated use, but the problems may return as well if your internal environment remains acidic.
I agree with this blog.Rife Machine showed effects upon cancer, anthrax, influenza, TB, and every bacterium and virus.Thanks for this valuable information..
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