Tuesday, June 15, 2010


i've been brooding over my life a lot lately. i know you can't tell from my pointless posts, but i've really been thinking over my life. such as, how i see it, how i'm living it. i've noticed that i'm always rushing through my life.
rushing to work.
rushing to appointments.
rushing to get everything done.
rushing in my life.
rushing. rushing. rushing.
i've been told often that i need to pause and find time for me. Really? you think so? But the question i always come back with is....
when? i ask you...when?
it's not that i want to be busy or that i want to be rushing. at this point its a matter of survival. actually for most of my life it's been about survival. getting to the next thing, in hopes that it will get me to the next thing. in hopes that at some point i'll reach some sort of accomplishment--other than just surviving of course.
my goal
is to find a way to take time to not rush so much, but actually look at what i want and the steps i need to get there. but that will of course take some discipline on my part.
oh geez!
but as cliche as it sounds....the best things worth having take patience, diligence and not giving up but walking forward.
here's to hoping i can!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i feel you! eating slowly is impossible for me.

oh, to rest in knowing we are loved just the way we are. oh, to take one day at a time.

miss you beautiful.
