i have to be honest and say knitting with thin yarn and knitting needles is hard for me. i normally work with thicker yarn & needles. but hey, this is how we learn!! i'm going to stick with it--even though i feel like since everything is much smaller than i normally work with i'll never get done. but, i'll ignore that lie and knit away merrily.
after knitting, i decided to catch up on my favorite blogs. check out some of my friends who are faithful bloggers, not to mention super fantastic people, on the right of this page. after reading everyone's thoughts, i thought, "hey, i'll blog about, hmmm...oh "nothing" really". but i just learned that: nothing is just a state of mind. thank you rebecca for your wise words. so though i say it's nothing, it's only a state of mind. but who's mind? mine? or yours? and if nothing is a state of my mind only, then is my nothing, something to you? so maybe it's actually something, disguised as nothing. it's funny how that nothing can actually be something. don't you agree? hmmmm???
well, i guess i'll never know, nor do i really care. if i actually tried to ponder that it would make my eye twitch and stress me out. and as we know, i am RE to the LAXING.
that's all.
1 comment:
well, i suppose my nothing could be your something. and your something could be my nothing, hypothetically. but how can nothing really be something? isn't that like being kind of pregnant? you either are or your aren't pregnant (and for the record, i'm not). nothing can't kind of be something, now can it? ;~p`
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