Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
chocolate chip disaster
My roommates, Ginger and Mary Anne, said they wanted to taste it to see if it was as bad as I thought it was...but, I was so frustrated I dumped the batter in the trash. I may, or may not, get a little feisty and irrational when I'm upset about something when it comes to culinary creations. Regardless, I know something was wrong. A baker just knows. It was off. It was not even my opinion. And since I was the one baking, I'm the one that says, Yay or Nay!!! And NAY it was folks, Nay it was.
I'm hoping that this looming cloud of depression of failing so bionically when it comes to baking won't hover long. But, I've decided the best thing to do is bake something this week to overcome the tragedy of the chocolate chip cookies. Then I'll be back in the game. Right? Right!!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Monday, November 8, 2010
Bake-ity, Baking!!
Baking experience for Sunday November 7th:
Homemade, from scratch--spent a good hour peeling and slicing up apples--apple pie
Not from a box or freezer, thank you very much, lasagna!!
It was all scrumdiddlyumpcious!!!!
Here's the filling that made the house smell like cinnamony, grandma's house on a Saturday morning, better than a yankee candle GOODNESS.....
And here's the pie all nicely put together....
My intention was to take a pic after the fact, my life is, craziness distracted me. And as soon as the lasagna was scarfed down, the family was ready for some yummy pie. I can't show you a picture, but I can promise you that it was fan-flippin'-tastic!!! I was impressed with myself. Actually I think I pulled a muscle giving myself a pat on the back.
Friday, November 5, 2010
and the randomness goes on...
2. I do not love Brewing Market in general, but there tea is yummy and their barista's are fun. (Yeah, I'm talkin' about you Sarah Norris)
3. Every day this week has seemed like an eternity. For real. It's only 1:45pm and I feel like I've been at work for 100 hours.
4. I'm blogging on my lunch break. So deal.
5. I haven't ran at all this week. Oopsies. I even have a new goal to run more often. But, it's cold in CO in the wee hours of the morning.
6. Speaking of wee hours of the morning, ever since I moved in with my besties, Wilma & Betty, I have been getting up at like 5:30am. Seriously? I mean, seriously!
7. I spent more time at Kaiser this week than I would have liked.
8. I'm dreaming of vacations and beaches and besties and fun.
9. I feel the need to bake. Something yummdiddidlyumpscious. Any suggestions?
10. I'm dreaming of a Utah Christmas.
11. I miss Jenn. I haven't seen her in ages. She lives just a few miles away. Where are you Jenn?
12. Jeg elsker deg.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
jet ski across the pacific ocean?!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
do over
i'm thinking it's a good time to go to bed and try again tomorrow!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
this and that
I love the colors, the smells, the sounds. Mmmm, I love it all.
To those of you who are wondering...Yes, Tobey is still alive. I've walked him, fed him, played with him, talked in the ooey gooey you're a good boy voice. He made a comeback and ate a full meal, finally, on thursday night.
Though he did go on a food strike again today; and i'm surprised I haven't keeled over dead from the gas that is emitting from his bottom. Yeah, too much information, I know. He really wants his moms back. But honestly, so do I. I really miss my besties; they're my safe place. But I'm glad that they are getting some much needed R&R. They deserve it.
Tomorrow I bake cookies for the Halloween party at the Y. I'm excited about baking. I need some much needed baking and domesticity in my life. I think i'll bake in my sexy heals. Yeah, I said it and I'll do it.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Nothing harmful.
Something exciting.
I can't say a thing.
I'm sworn to secrecy.
I'm bursting at the seems.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
i just felt like runnin' UPDATE

Jill Carter is one of the best friends I have and she loves me well. She could have easily went on ahead, as I told her it was okay because I run at turtle speed, but she said it was not about winning, but running with me for a good cause. So we respectively came in last place together at a speed of 37:09 minutes. Granted there were only 12 5k-ers. Everyone else was doing the triathalon!! So, we kept it under 40 minutes even with the asthma/burning lungs/save me Sweet Baby Jesus I can't breathe moments.
Here's a pic of Team Crossroads--(minus Adam who was already on the biking portion of the triathalon)...

I believe the team was able to raise around $1700 for the first grade school in Mumbai, India. Check out more information on Crossroads International and the Alpha Care program, by clicking HERE or the link on the sidebar of my blog.
Go Team Crossroads!!!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
i just felt like runnin'
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I'm so excited, to say the least.
Our days will be full of adventure, laughs, silliness, browsing, shopping, rooftop patios with yummy drinks & food, and all kinds of girl fun.
Looking forward to 339pm when she arrives on that Frontier plane.
Ps...yes, shannon, you can bring your mascara in your carry on bag.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Friday, September 17, 2010
Friday Smiles
2. Oklahoma State T-shirt day. Go Pokes!!
3. J-Dawg saying, "It's because I like cow, Raelynn!"
4. Hysterical laughs with Jana, aka J-Dawg after above said comment in reference to our chicken or beef quick convo.
5. My roommate's, aka Betty & Wilma or Ginger and Mary Ann, always make me feel utterly special. I have been given the gift of an amazing family. Thank you Jesus.
6. Knowing that in 1 week the lovely Shannon will be in town. Whoop, whoop!!
7. It's pay day friday. Plus my crazy ex-landlord gave me the full deposit, plus 3 days credit back today. Hell yeah.
8. Michael Buble! Yeah, I said it.
9. Surprising Cassie with my mad skills in car dancing and enjoying a song that apparently she would not expect me to enjoy at all. (There's a wealth of mystery inside me people!!)
10. Jesus loves me, no matter my attitude towards Him.
And last, but certainly not least...
It's so tasty too!!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Jana Banana
This little blog post is especially for you. Thanks for becoming a new follower. You truly make my days at the good ole YMCA a lot more brighter when I see your face--especially those Jana one of a kind bows! (wink, wink!) need to get a little dirt on you soon.
Next year.
Warrior Dash!!!
For sure.
Yep. That's all!!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Can't sleep
1. I wish I could sleep.
2. I don't want to run in the morning.
3. Running is stupid.
4. Please, Lord, let me fall asleep.
5. If I don't go to sleep soon I'll have to skip running and then I'll have to run more on Thursday.
6. Running is the thorn in my side.
7. Why am I running?
8. Gosh, I really need to sleep!!!
9. Run. Sleep. Run. Sleep.
10. Why me?
This post is absolutely pointless; but I can't sleep and thought it might waste some time why'll I'm WIDE awake--but should be sleeping as 530am comes early!
Lord, give me grace for running!!!
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Thursday, August 26, 2010
my brain hurts
i can already tell, it's just one of those days that a girl goes through!
ps ...for some reason, as of late, i tend to slide in lines from songs in everything i say and write. part of my complete and utter silliness, i guess. did you see where i put it above. of course, you'd have to be in an old school frame of mind.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I survived
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
3 day reprieve
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Thursday, July 1, 2010
in the meantime
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
ps and by the way....

Some may have been lame and/or trivial posts, but the point is...I did what I said. Whoopity-freakin'-hooo. Look what I can do!! And actually I do notice a difference its made, because I find that the creative juices have been flowing again; which was my main goal. To dig out that inner creativity within me that's been lying dormant.
Now, I challenge you to create your own blog challenge. (Psst, Kate, I'm talking to you!!)
I leave you with this, and yes I know I'm ripping off the Nike catchphrase, "Just do it!"
Or to be Oprahesque, "Live your best life!" Acutally, too bad Oprah uses that all the time, because it's actually something to strive for, so yeah, Live your best life!
becoming gold
"Being shaped is never easy. Becoming gold is never as easy or as quick as I would like it to be. Have you ever felt that way? Whether it’s a job that is slowly wearing you down or a relationship that feels tangled or a dream that is dying on the vine as you work somewhere to pay the bills, life is not always easy. And to be honest, there are days when I want to yell, “Where are you God? I catch no glimpse of you!”
But the truth for me and the truth for you, is that he is at work.
Even if we do not see him. Even if we catch no glimpse of him. Even if the testing weighs heavy, he is in motion. He is unchanging. He is relentless with his grace and mercy and love.
He knows the way we take.
And he will bring us forth as gold."
I think Jon Acuff with his Serious Wednesday post, is reading my journals and knows exactly what's going on in my mind. Again, here he goes addressing what's been ruminating around in my mind.
Go read his new post, here!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
victory is mine, almost
Monday, June 28, 2010
9 at 9
2. Coldstone is yummyness. My pick tonight, "All lovin', no oven"!
3. I'm very fond of Liz Lewis. She gets me. That makes my heart happy.
4. Courageous: I need to find this within me again.
5. Sometimes people just suck.
6. Cold gummy bears are hard to chew.
7. I'm blessed to have amazing friends who've journeyed with me through some craptacular moments during this season in my life.
8. My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.
9. I heart Jesus so so so much. Even when I think He doesn't see me, He does.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Water from the dry well
It was amazing!!! My heart and soul needed the Jesus love that I experienced tonight.
::insert sigh of relief here::
More details to come later.
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Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010
picture it: Louisville, June 24, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Faith like Robbie P.
That little ditty came from a blog that I enjoyed ever so much today. Because, I too, have faith like Robert Pattinson and Jon Acuff
Having faith like Robert Pattinson
Go Read it, now!!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Take It Easy
Monday, June 21, 2010
off the top of my head...
It's really loud in my office right now. Excruciatingly loud. It thundered or there was lightening or something of that sorts, so all of the swim folk have come indoors to wait it out. Right outside my window where I'm suppose to work. This is not conducive to a working environment.
I'm supposed to be taking a 2 week sabotical from worry and learning to just "wait!" Well, see how that goes.
I hear thunder. I'm supposed to be catching a bus in an hour. I hope the rain goes away.
I am super tan, er I mean super brown, and am burnt in a few places that aren't that fun to be burnt. Yes, the ladies are smokin'! Figuratively and seriously.
I'm proud of myself for keeping up with my blog challenge. Even if some posts are lame. The point is I'm posting.
I'm waiting for Jenn to post a blog. I asked her to an hour or so ago. Where is it Jenn?
It's POURING down rain right now. Creepy rain. Again, I have to take a bus in about an hour. Whoop, whoop for rain!! I got this, right?
Now there's hail. Large balls of hail. Ah, Shitake!!
That's all folks.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Might be a bit hyper away from the chaos, though. The girls have been patient and full of grace.
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Friday, June 18, 2010
Jacki's 30th
Thursday, June 17, 2010
I had a few things to call him too. But, alas, I can't do that...nor would I want to. Okay, maybe sometimes I want to.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010
i'm so.....
I have a secret that will be revealed tonight. Whoop, whoop!! It's going to be a smorgasboard of love for one lovely recipient.
Whoop, whoop!!!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
rainy day
Saturday, June 12, 2010
G-ma C
Man, I miss her!!!
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Friday, June 11, 2010
Too much tequila!!!
Again, it's been a rough week. Really rough.
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Thursday, June 10, 2010
"I can do anything good!"
Not kidding.
Needless to say it has been horrible at the Y. Oh, Summertime. Summertime is rough at the Y for me. Yesterday I was bitched out by almost every parent that called in and/or came up to my window. For real. I had a breakdown in the registration office when my boss walked in from being M.I.A for 4 days and her first order of business was to pile on more work. Have I mentioned that I'm already drowning and am behind as is at this point? I know I'm not supposed to take it personally, but when EVERYONE is bitching at you and you feel like you don't have support, it wears you down. Once the tears came my boss told me to walk outside and take a breather and pull my self together. Fortunately for me, Jacki and Jill were at the Y, so I could go find them poolside and take a moment to regroup. When I was walking out to the pool I was accosted with love by some of my favorite kiddos. First, Libby, who is a kindred spirit, and then I heard this voice go, "hi, hi, hi" and I looked for the voice and saw Zeph running for me and he gave me a big wet hug. I didn't even care. I just took in the lovin'. Then of course, Ava, Zane and Ella are always there with love for me when they are at the Y. There's something so pure and fantastic about kids and their love for you. It can't be faked. You get the real deal with kids.
It was a much needed break.
When Jill was leaving and I had started crying at my window, again (sheesh!), from being overwhelmed, she went and got me an iced caramel machiatto. And when she came back she left me with a drink and some words of wisdom that went something like this...."don't let these jokers get you down"!
My hero, for sure!!!
Yesterday was just one of those days. It is what it is. Today, after my affirmation, I had a better attitude and felt ready to face the crazies. Nothing necessarily changed regarding work and the people, but I felt more ready to conquer the day.
Anyway...for those of you that need a little affirmation to get your day going. Check out this wee gem.
Okay, your turn. Try it out in the morning before you walk out the door.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Sometimes you just have to say it
Monday, June 7, 2010
not a fun day.
not a miserable day.
but a busy, busy day.
today I was yelled at by parents.
happy parents.
mad parents.
they are all starting to look the same.
today I pondered the mysteries of the world.
Who am I?
Where am I going in life?
What's for lunch?
Couldn't come up with answers.
Oh today.
today. today.
today was quite a day.
if you type out the word "today" enough, it really starts to look strange and altogether wrong. Pblhhh....
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Matteo and Tiramisu
Now I like baking. I like cupcakes. I like tiramisu. However, I have never made tiramisu in full cake form; yet, I decide to embark on 3 dozen mini ones. Yeppers. Why do I do this to myself? I know not. I look up recipes and try to find one that will be delectable and not overly hard to make. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I was hoping to find something I could make on my first try. Let me tell you that Tiramisu is a daunting and a time stealing baking endeavor. But in short, and via photo, it went a little something like this....
First you have about a million ingredients. Yes, I'm prone to the dramatic. Below is just a few of those ingredients.

Then you start the cake portion....

Again...mixing with the hand mixer. That Kitchenaid is so elusive in my life. So sad!!

Plus you need to have a handy dandy assistant. Love you Jenn! Look at her separate those yolks and whites.

Once all the mixing is done you get this yummyness. I could have eaten the batter on its own. Yeah, I said it. Deal.

Then you put your batter in the pans and bake.

While the cupcakes are baking, you begin the decadence. The icing. Which the primary ingredients are marcapone cheese and heavy whipping cream.

On to the mixing of the icing....again, using that hand mixer. When all is said and done, you come up with this sweet, delectable, oh my gosh I'm going to eat this whole bowl icing. Just look at that photo. I was proud of myself. And mind you, I used a hand mixer. It was a hard task, but I managed. It was so yummy you would have to pause and ponder the goodness of it all.

Once the cupcakes have cooled and while your amazing, i'm going to eat the whole bowl and not feel guilty, icing is chilling you layer on the kahlua, rum and espresso mix onto the tops of cupcakes.

After that you pipe on the to die for icing and then garnish to your liking. I chose chocolate shavings and a chocolate covered espresso bean to top it all off.
Ta da....!!

These cupcakes, I can confidently stay, were fan-flippin-tastic. Everyone loved them and I felt accomplished and proud of myself--and Jenn, my patient helper. But apparently, I'm much more relaxed than I used to be. At least Jenn noted that from my easy response from when we had a few mishaps. I believe with the first problem, instead of freaking out, I said..."Uh, Houston, we have a problem!" And when Jenn appeared, she saw that the ease of how I stated my sentence was not in accordance with the disaster brewing in the oven. Note to you and to self: when you are getting a recipe from a random stranger, sometimes they leave out very important facts about how much tiramisu can rise. Yeah!! (insert the roll of my eyes right here!) But I handled it with gusto and calm, then we began again with baking..this time modifying to what we knew would happen. Overall it was a great experience. Most importantly, Matteo loved them.
That's all that matters, right?! Right.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Is it always cold in Estes? Or is it just me?

Picture it....winter in Estes Park, 1997ish.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Blog Challenge
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Rewind: 35th Birthday
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Where's Raelynn-do?
There's so much for me to share with you in my life. But it still must wait.
Hang tight, friends, I'll be back soon. Before you know it!!!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
::Insert tiny RAWR here:: Are you intimidated yet?
A few friends and I will be participating in the Warrior Dash. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Basically, it's 3.27 hellish miles (their wording) up and down a mountain full of running (yuck!) and obstacle courses (yay!).
You can check out the Rockies Course, here!!
Let the warrior training begin.*
*Actually it starts this Saturday when Jill, Jacki, Carol and I will be meeting to run every Saturday morning at 7am. Boo!!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Love Fern
Thursday, April 22, 2010
The WBC is in Boulder and Denver picketing the next few days. In my opinion, they are not a happy loving group that exhibits the attributes and love of Christ; but rather scream, judge and preach falsely in the Name of Jesus. This makes my heart sad. Actually, it makes me all hivey, agitated, pissed .... the list could go on. But overall, my heart is sad. I know that I know this is not how Jesus would want us to act in His Name. He would choose love. He always chooses love--even in discipline and rebuke. He is nothing but love.
But regardless of the slander they choose to put out there today, I know that,
You can read a little about the pickets going on here!
Friday, April 16, 2010

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Oh my!! My newest obsession
me: i'm going to tell you something....don't judge me....
Jennifer: haha. never!! what is it??
me: i kinda want to see the miley cyrus movie
Jennifer: lol! I don't judge. i'm sure it's a good movie, being based on Nicholas Sparks. those are all good. i just don't think i could get past miley cyrus' acting. and her voice. lol
me: ha ha....i know....but the suspense is sorta killing me
Jennifer: suspense?
me: of just knowing what that movie is about
Jennifer: lol. you could just read the book! ;)
me: with a name like "last song"
Jennifer: true
me: and nicholas sparks?! who knows?
Jennifer: it sounds good
and THEN it happened. the conversation turned to this.....
Jennifer: have I told you about The Pioneer Woman and my slight obsession with her and her website?
me: No! What???
Jennifer: it's and I'm in love with her. she's in Oklahoma, and she has this cooking/everything under the sun website that now gets like 20 million hits a month. she's a "city girl turned cattle rancher's wife"
me: ha....i must read this
So, I took a little stroll over to The Pioneer Woman's page and immediately knew I was going to love it. Blogging. Photography. Cooking. Home and Garden. And more. Her writing is fantastic and completely pulls you. I won't lie. After reading her story of her romance with the Marlboro Man, aptly titled "Black Heels to Tractor Wheels", I decided I MUST marry a cowboy and live on a ranch. Yep, I said it. This is what the Pioneer Woman has done to me. Lord, help me!!!

Poor Steve. He didn't see this one coming!!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
And the countdown begins...
I have mixed feelings about this birthday.
Excited. Disappointed. Hopeful. Anxious.
But despite all these emotions, today I have the assurance of knowing that He is good. And I am loved by Him. He is more important than any unfulfilled dream or desires. For I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
And that is more than enough for me.
P.S. Rio I'll be seeing you tomorrow.
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