Thursday, December 24, 2009
Way. Too. Early.
Waiting to board my plane.
I've been up since 3:30am,
I realize that's insane.
I still have an hour and half,
before i'm allowed to board.
I'm so tired right now,
Please help me Lord.
I think I'll quit writing now.
As this is just nonsense.
I must quit the rhyming now,
before I begin to wince.
the end.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
As I've stated in a previous post, I've been working with a trainer at the YMCA. Her name is Peggy and I absolutely love her. She makes me feel like I can do ANYTHING. However, during our Tuesday training sessions...when all is said and done...I normally feel exhausted and pushed to the limit; all while feeling extremely accomplished, amazing and strong. I've referred to these days as being "Peggy-ed". It's a new term at the Y, as a handful of other employee's have jumped on board and are working with Peggy now. We have our own support group and warn each other when Peggy is feeling "inspired"; because on those days you need to look out. No one is meeting with Peggy this week but me, so I was fortunate enough to be the first to workout to one of her newest inspirations.
Here's a peek into my Tuesday's with Peggy. (Thankfully she mixes it up so I don't get bored. And thankfully so I don't have to run 12 flights of stairs every time. Boo!!)
Warm up: 1 mile jog/walk on the track
Core Routine for Today (straight through, no breaks!):
Step 1: 10 chest/bench presses (weight 55 lbs.)
Step 2: Repeat step 1, then add 10 Squats
Step 3: Repeat steps 1 & 2, then add 25 jumping jacks
Step 4: Repeat steps 1 - 3, then add 10 wide lat pull downs (weight 60 lbs.)
Step 5: Repeat steps 1 - 4, then add 1 minute plank
Step 6: Repeat steps 1 - 5, then add 10 burpees
Step 7: Repeat steps 1 - 6, then add 30 second side planks (right & left)
Step 8: Repeat steps 1 - 7, then add 12 arm rows (25 lbs)
Step 9: Repeat steps 1 - 8, then add 15 calf raises (70 lbs.)
Step 10: Repeat steps 1 - 9, then add 10 dead lifts (25 lbs.)
Which basically equals...
~ 100 chest presses
~ 90 squats
~ 200 jumping jacks
~ 70 lat pull downs
~ 6 mintues of planks
~ 50 burpees
~ 2 minutes of side planks
~ 36 rows
~ 30 calf raises
~ 10 dead lifts
Then throw in some abs, some stretching and end with encouraging words from Peggy. Afterwards you attempt to walk yourself to the locker room and hope that you don't pass out dead in the middle of the shower.
Needless to say....I am enjoying every single bit of it.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Everly: O Holy Night
I love that Bethany Joy Galleoti.
I love their band, beautifully named, Everly.
I love their Christmas album "Fireside" which you can get on iTunes or CDbaby.
Go get it now.
Monday, December 14, 2009
recent conversation
Raelynn: Eh, (insert long pause here) I think I'm broken.
Jason: You're not broken, you're slightly sprained.
Raelynn: Oh, okay. (insert contemplative pause here) I'm glad we got that settled.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Nostalgia: Ba de ya - say that you remember
Tonight I'm wishing my dad was with me here in Colorado because I would put on a show for him for old time's sake just to see him smile like he used to. I loved my dad's laugh. It brings me joy just thinking about it. So...The last few days I've had "September" in my head by Earth, Wind and Fire. What's a girl to do? Well, I'll tell you. Tonight I put the music on, baked cookies and danced around my house. Obviously, Tasia is not home tonight. I have to introduce this side of me to her in baby steps. I'm not sure she's ready to dance around the house with me yet. Kate was a pro at it. Kate gets me and my ways. Of course, Kate is a lot like me. After all, we did devise a song about a wacky religion we created, with Jamie McGowan's help, called the Norma's. As well as, songs about Spam and other randomness. (Man, I miss Jamie & Kate!) And with Matthew B we expressed our love for green beans in many a facebook video. Plus, Matthew would dance with me around the house or wherever we felt the need to express ourself in such a manner. So, see, I'm not sure Tasia is ready for this quite yet.
BUT, I digress....Basically, I'm left home alone tonight to my own devices and I've decided to take a walk down memory lane and bake comfort food. It's so healing for the soul. It's been a rough week emotionally for me and I needed to escape and unwind. I believe I accomplished what I was aiming for this evening.
"SEPTEMBER" by Earth, Wind and Fire
And a more creative version that has been circulating around by Pomplamoose
I'll admit that I was dancing as free as the Grandma was in the latter video!! That's right.
Ba duda, badu, ba duda, badu
Ba duda, badu, baduba
"i'm stayin', oh i'm stayin'.....and you, and you, and you, you're gonna love me!!"
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Blog Catch Up!!
Hmmm...where to begin? I'll start from newest and go to should have told you many moons ago....
First: I have incredible hair. Yes, vanity is running amuck with me right now. But I just love it. My hair has grown so much and then my favorite hairstylist, Judy Dillon, put these fun layers in my hair that makes my hair tossle and flow ever so fantastically. Sorry people, I'm really lovin' my hair right now. I waited it out and haven't cut it in so long. Normally, my hair gets to a certain length and i'll say, "forget it, let's cut it short!" But over the last year and a half, I've been patiently waiting it out. And trust me, that urge to cut it has been strong. My Native grandma would be so proud of me. She always liked my hair long. (insert tear here)
Second: For thanksgiving I made my first ever from scratch chocolate cake. I rocked it!! I was so nervous and felt so accomplished when all was said and done. It was absolutely fantastic. I can stand true to my FB comment when I said, I'm a baking goddess. Everyone loved it at Thanksgiving dinner.
Third: Went to Utah, again, to hang with friends and to get a little face time with Tiffany B. as I am planning to travel to Italy, Greece and Turkey with her this upcoming summer with the group, "Burn 24/7". I was a little nervous, but after meeting her I can tell that we will get along fabulously and the trip is going to be A-mazing!!! Utah was fabulous. I was able to go to the zoo with Jamie, Jaime, Shannon, Sharon and some fun wee kiddos to see all the cute baby animals. My favorite was the baby giraffe. Of course while in Utah I try to learn some new knitting; this time I learned how to knit a washcloth. But most importantly, I was able to spend time with GREAT friends, bask in Seevinck love and have morning latte's. It doesn't get much better than that.
Fourth: I've been working with a personal trainer the last 5 weeks. Her name is Peggy and I absolutely love her. She is pushing me to do things I never thought I could accomplish. I'm improving every day and each training session gets harder, so I guess that means something. Right?! Well, at least that's what Peggy says. And I must say I am noticing that I am getting stronger, getting more fit, and like I tell the Building Sup. boys at the Y, "I'm a machine!" Of course, these said boys also like to come up to Peggy during my session with her and tell her that I called her a "pushover" or that my workouts were "too easy"!! Which of course, I didn't say. But, I get worked harder nonetheless. I'm lovin' it though. And I'm completely determined. Peggy said that I'm the most determined client she's ever had and that my focus is amazing--she wishes she could teach it to her clients she's had for years. She asked me where I get it and I honestly told her that God had been working in me and revealed to me why discipline was so hard for me. Once I understood, I just started soaring. That lesson I will share with you on the other blog. I'm in the process of articulating my thoughts on that and will be posting it SOON!!
Fifth: Kate moved out. Sad! But Tasia, a friend and co-worker at the Y, moved in. Fun. We painted every inch of the house and it's so super duper cute. I'm lovin' it. But, I'm missing all my Kate surprises. And especially hearing her sing and play her piano in the mornings. I have no one to serenade me anymore.
I guess that's it for now. Other than, I really have "expectation" rising of what's to come. I believe the Lord has a few surprises up His sleeve and has been hinting at them for the last few weeks. Can't wait to see what they are!! I guess you'll have to wait along with me.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
for love of the written word
Thursday, November 5, 2009
my mind has been fogging; so who can say when?
i will begin logging my thoughts down again!!
yea, i just did that.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Uh oh!!!
Read HERE!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
missing you already
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Ella Bella

This is a little video I caught of her one night while listening to Kim Walker when we were getting dinner ready.....
What a precious little girl; and I love her bunches!!!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Really, I'm not a stalker.
For those of you who don't know this about me...I love to people watch. I am fascinated by people and I learned early that you could learn so much by merely observing. As Jenn and I were strolling along Pearl Street we stopped at a bench to rest and wait for Karey while she was in Outdoor Diva's. We sat across from this adorable older couple; or rather, I should call them "lovebirds"!! They were in their own world as the man was telling his wife a story--all the while, holding hands and looking absolutely in love. I was wishing I knew what he was telling her because he was so animated and she was listening intently with a large smile on her face. I'm not sure what he was saying but she would throw her head back and laugh. It was absolutely adorable.
I continued to watch them because they were just so in love and genuinely enjoying each other's company that it just drew me in to their happy vortex; and I was so curious about them, what they were discussing, etc. And then all of a sudden he said something that tickled both their fancy because they both threw their heads back and laughed deep belly laughs. He was laughing so hard he had to cover his face with one hand and wipe the laughter tears away from his eyes. It was such a priceless moment. Jenn and I both thought that watching them made us joyful and hopeful. There was something about them that was so infectious. I was just happy the rest of the day after observing their interaction and jovial-ness.
After awhile they eventually stood up to leave and as they did, he grabbed her hand and pulled her close as they continued speaking to each other unaware of anyone else on Pearl Street.
I'll tell you blogger world, as I told Jenn, I realize I seem like a creepy stalker taking their picture and all, but there was something about them that was so captivating. I just had to do it.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Sweet 16: HBD Tay Bug
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Everly: Quicksand
Go to iTunes and get their song.
I love them.
Yay Amber, Yay Joy!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Labor Day: Fun, Aches & Promise
Here's a list of our Labor Day/Camping Activities:
- Mountain biking: which I had a hate-love-hate relationship with. See below!
- Hiking
- Football and Frisbee fun
- Mexican Train Domino's
- Making friendship bracelets with a cutie patootie
- Sitting in the camper snuggled up with friends as it poured down rain with some serious scary thunder
- Campfire Fun: laughing, talking, laughing, amazing S'mores, laughing, stories and more laughing
- Random songs that I would make up, randomly. Hence the "random" in random songs.
- Etc, etc, etc.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Lord, Please send me a new camera.
Mew Mew's
That's right friends. A Yarn Shop. I was ecstatic. Freakin' excited to say the least. Especially since I have had the urge to knit lately. Plus, being a Y employee I get DISCOUNTS!!! Yippy Skippy. Now my friend Tasia did not understand why I got all hippity hoppity excited. She was like, "What?" trying to figure out if I had truly lost my mind. I think my response was..."O.M.G., A YARN SHOP!" with my mouth open wide and eyes that looked wild with excitement. Then she giggled and told me she loved me craziness and all. She just doesn't know the power of the knitting needle yet. But, soon, very soon she will.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Bodega Beach
Monday, August 17, 2009
Love Fest: Shauna Lott
Earlier in the year, the Lord was speaking to me about what it means to love. Really Love!! And He began speaking to me about "celebrating" those I love and more importantly who He loves. I mulled over for awhile how to celebrate people. I decided it was time to start throwing parties for people merely on the basis that they are loved and should be celebrated. Well, my friends, yesterday was so exciting for me because I was able to throw another party for someone who deserved so much to be celebrated. And I'm happy to report we were able to love on her, shock her and bless her to the core.
The Love Fest Recipient: Shauna Lott
Here she is thinking she was attending a Housewarming Party for the Waneka's/Shelsta's/Emerick household. (Yes, we are firm believers of community living!) At this point, she still thinks she's at the housewarming party and making small talk with Julia.

The Ambush: After a bit of chatting I asked everyone for a moment of their time because I wanted to say something and then.... SURPRISE!!!, Shauna we are here for you.
I pulled her over to a chair we so that we could focus all of our attention on her and lavish her with our love. In the above picture I think she's trying to figure out how Aubrey got this past her.
The Love Feast: Words of encouragement, love and lots of wine.
I try to make these parties as personal as possible. Those of you who know Shauna, know that she is an afficianado of wine. Therefore, on the invite I asked everyone along with their prayer/blessing/word of encouragement to purchase her a bottle of wine that describes Shauna in some way. Whether it be the name, the picture, the way the wine is described, etc. Plus, by doing this we were able to build her a nice little wine collection.
I believe when all was said and done she had 15 bottles of wine to add to her collection. Everyone was so creative and got very involved when picking out a bottle of wine for her. None of the bottles were the same and each had such a unique reasoning behind it. I loved how everyone spoke such words of life over her and encouraged her in ways that were unique to each of them.
There was much laughter and joy. Just like Shauna brings all of us. It was fitting for her jovial personality.
Here's Tyler explaining his bottle he chose for her. Perfectly called, "Woop Woop"!
Aubrey with the bounty of wine telling Shauna how much she loves her.
More Vino, with a carrying case for 6. Because one bottle is never enough!
At parties end, I know we were able to get one surprise by her; and I believe that Shauna was able to feel the love from her friends, but more importantly how much God truly loves her.
That evening she wrote us all a little thank you note and I wanted to share part of it here...
"as i was sitting there today listening to each of you speak such kind words, jesus was continually revealing himself to me even through the shock of not sitting at a housewarming party but sitting at a surprise party for me instead. i was left speechless at the party (a tough feat so well done), so i wanted to share them with you briefly. first, god really does set the lonely in families. second, we know him by our love for one another. this scripture kept running through my head: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." i knew him on a much deeper level today through your love, kindness, and generosity towards me. again, thank you."
And that my friends is what it's all about!!! I hope more people catch the "love fest-throw you a party just because-you should be celebrated" bug. There's nothing like it. I believe it's truly one of the most important things that I do. Showing people you love them is so fulfilling. And it doesn't have to be big parties. There are many ways to celebrate someone. Just dig inside your creativity and go for it. You won't regret it at all. You'll never say, "man I wish I didn't shower that person with love unexpectedly today". Actually, you will understand even more the great love of the Lord. It's amazing!!!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
H. to the E. to the L. L.
Friday, July 24, 2009
dreaming big
but, hey....i've decided to believe that it can and will happen.
i'm letting it all unfold naturally. it may change a few times before its all said and done.
more to come, my friends. more to come.....
Monday, July 20, 2009
and monday morning it is
- got up late
- arrived at work with 3 very hateful phone calls awaiting me
- sliced a huge chunk of the top part of my pinkie finger off when closing the fitness door because for some reason they always forget to close it and turn up the volume on their music and mic to decimals that are not right and will make anyone go deaf. which means, i can't hear anyone on my phone. for the record, it does not make parents happy when i have to keep saying, "could you please repeat that?"
- 4 emails from various Y workers (2 being supervisors) needing numbers/etc first thing this morning. and of course, they all feel theirs is the most important. so i must find a way to prioritize EVERYONE
- have to create another spreadsheet for the School Age program as it is time to start focusing on the upcoming school semester, while continuing all of my day camp duties.
- meet with Zac, my trainer who killed me last week, in about an hour.
Oh the joys of the beginning of the week.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
oh for cryin' in the beer cheese soup
oh yeah, i went with Tasia to the late night showing of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince last night. we sat in the very back row, you know at the very top of the stairs. did she not see me walking--and i use the word "walking" lightly here--like an invalid? Hello!! Thank you for being a friend Tasia...sheesh!! When I made it to the top I quickly decided she was not in my Golden Girl Posse. She is no Rose to my Blanche, Dorothy or Sophia.
but i digress, and when it was time to head down. i didn't think i would make it. i sat for the 2.5 hour movie (that ended up being more like 3hrs due to mechanical failure--i thought all hell was going to break loose when the HP fans started grumbling and gettin' crazy) and my muscles rebelled at the thought of walking down the stairs. i thought about curling up into a ball and rolling down the stairs. but alas, i made it.
speaking of Harry Potter...when we were at the movie, 2 times the projector broke down. i thought those HPF's were going to come unglued and start a riot. i was sure someone was going to get cut. i had my shoes off and when the screen went out, and they sent some poor scrub at the low end of the totem pole at the movie theater to come out and tell them that they were trying to fix it, i quickly put my shoes back on. you know, in case i needed to run for my life. now i'll tell you honestly, that i wasn't sure how i was going to make it down the stairs should riot ensue because my body would not allow me to move. i think i finally decided on pretending to be knocked out already so maybe everyone would just pass me by. thankfully, the movie got put back on the screen and we all got free movie passes. nice.
now i must get back to work and become a slave to the man. but first, i'm going to attempt to get my aching bones out of this chair and walk into the lounge area and get my lunch. however, i'm starting to think, it's really not worth it.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Holy Smokes Batman, I about died today. I may, or may not, have used a few expletives during certain parts of the workout. I couldn't help it. Obviously not very Y appropriate, but whatever. Right now every inch of my body feels like jello. When I showered afterwards I could barely raise my arms to put shampoo in my hair. It's been about an hour now and I feel good. Sore, but good. I have to do this customized plan 2 times a week with cardio on the other days. In 2 weeks, apparently will change up the plan. I'm sure it only gets harder.
Right now, I am going to go upstairs to the Spirit, Mind and Body room and lay on the vibrating floor, (I'm sure it has a specific name....but I don't know what it is!!), and allow my body to relax and rest. More than likely, I'll fall asleep, so I'll make sure to send someone in to check on me in about 10min.
Peace out, Girl Scout!!
NEW mission-o-fun!!
I've been wanting to bake more and I thought it would be fun to try all sorts of cupcake baking recipes. Watch out Tee & Cakes, you have nothing on me. I've got mad skills. I feel it.
Let the art of mastering the cupcake begin.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
lazy friday
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
i woke up late. i never wake up late, i always wake up freakishly early.
got to work late. which i was supposed to be here early today. more than likely, that is why i overslept. oopsies.
had 4 parents waiting for me when I got here. they all wanted to be big fat complainers. sorry boulder parents that i have personally made your life imperfect. next time...follow the rules. you are not entitled to do whatever you please. besides, it's not my rules, it's the Y's rules and the State of Colorado, for a matter of fact.
i have a feeling today isn't going to be full of ooey gooey goodness.
morning do over/begin again/pretend this morning hasn't happened??
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday Night Lights, Drum Circles & Dancing
Monday, June 22, 2009
cue music
*okay, okay. i didn't just have to be worried or stressed. the world was my stage at all times; and heck, the neighbors loved it. i was quite the diva!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
i have no words for this....
So of course, I had to look it up. I like funny things too. And this, friends, is what I found.....
I don't know whether to laugh, cry or maybe even throw up. I just don't know.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
TOMS & Alpha Care: Get on board folks!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Jon & Kate Plus 8, Oh my!!!
And away we go....
What's your current obsession?
Talking about the YMCA and how it's making me crazy. I need to change that, er, I mean I need to get a life.
What's your weirdest obsession?
Hmm...I can't think of any at this point. But I'm sure I have them. Maybe reading about the fall of "Jon & Kate Plus 8". So sad.
What are you wearing today?
Classic Y outfit: black top, dark jeans, converse and my administration name tag. It's sexy.
Why is today special?
Because I get to hang out with a super cool chick tonight: Ellyn. I adore her.
What would you like to learn to do?
Be more patient with myself. I am my own worst enemy.
What's for dinner today?
Ball game foods. I'm watching a game tonight with Ellyn, Ang and Sarah.
What's the last thing you bought?
Art project gifts to work on with Ella and Zane: sun catchers, flowers and pots.
What's your favorite weather?
I normally love evening weather in Boulder during the summer. I know that's not a season, but it's what I like because it feels so crisp, clean and fresh. Love it.
What's your most challenging goal right now?
Getting my booty to they gym. I even work in a Y facility now and it's still hard to get there. Normally because if I'm there, even on the elliptical, they'll ask me questions about camp. But, yeah, that's just an excuse too. Tee he he...
What do you think about the person who tagged you?
I adore her. I miss her. I love her like crazy. Halen is one of my most favorite people because she is so creative, loving and has a great sense of humor. I watch her in awe sometimes as she is about her "Halen ways" that inspire me so. She's a bestie forever!!!
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
My immediate response is Scotland!! But, I wouldn't mind to live off the coast on a Greek Isle.
Favorite vacation spot?
Utah and Callifornia by the looks of my past traveling itineraries. But, I adore visiting Scotland & Ireland. They have my heart.
What would you like to have in your hands right now?
a Seevinck Latte-o-love and a yummy scone.
What would you like to get rid of?
School debt. boo!!
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
I'd go see Lola Belle. I've been missing her.
What's your favorite thing about the city you live in?
It's quaint and picturesque. Plus, I'm super close to all my lovely friends.
If you had $150 now what would you spend it on?
Shoes and books.
Do you admire anyone's style?
I agree with Halen, I too love the Jill Carter style. She always looks beautiful, chic and fabulous.
Describe your personal style?
I don't think I have one. Maybe I should work on that. I seem to wear the Y "uniform" everyday. Oopsies!!
Who is someone your heart is missing right now?
Always Hope and Halen. But, I've been missing my Papa Jack these days.
Name 3 things you'd like to do, visit or see in the next year?
A tour in wine country; trying all the lovely reds and whites my heart desires.
I want to see "Wicked" the musical in either Denver or San Fran.
Italy...I want to see & experience Italy!!!!
Now the rules of this tag:
1. Respond and rework: answer the questions on your blog, replace one question you dislike with a question of your own invention.
2. Tag 7 other people you would love to learn more about.
Here's my Pick:
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
My walls are up!
Let's see...
This was taken this morning around 11am...
It's stressful for us all though. We are 6 work days away from camp and we are all moving offices at a most inconvenient time. But what do you do? If the CEO says, "Move!". well, you move. My sweet friend Tasia is maxed to her limit as well. I came outside to check on her, and this is what I found....
Poor thing. She's overwhelmed because she has 4 work days to hire staff. And well, it's not as easy you think it might be. And I'll have you know, right after I took this picture I did the chicken dance for her. Yep, right there in front of the good ol' YMCA. Nice. By the time I left the Y, much later than my usual 6pm, my walls looked like this....
Sunday, May 17, 2009
A big THANK YOU to Rebecca, Vivien and Mook who always love me so well. You warmed my heart and ministered to my soul by your thoughtful gesture. I felt so loved and encouraged.
Friday, May 15, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Colorado's Schizophrenic Weather
But, then by 1:30pm-ish...the sun was out and the snow was gone. WTF?!! Yet, when I came home from work it was looking dreary and overcast again. Who knows what tomorrow holds? Hopefully it will be decent as I am heading to the zoo with all of the Y kids. Yippy!!
I guess we won't really know until tomorrow. And truthfully it, more than likely, will be a winter/spring/summer mix since Colorado weather is just not sure of which season it wants to be right now.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Blog Catch Up: My Birthday
On our way to see the Redwoods, we stopped about a million times for Rebecca to pull out her prized pony, aka a Nikon D90 she got for Christmas, and take pictures along the way. So, needless to say, if she was posting this...the pics would be better. But alas, I don't have a pony, so don't judge my photos!!
One stop of the drive, I absolutely loved. It was the Tulip Hill Winery.
The tulips and florals were absolutely gorgeous. We were on a schedule, so sadly, no wine. Plus, I was the only wine drinker of the group whatever....on with the trip. We made it to where we were staying near Redwoods National Park. A lovely place called the Benbow Inn. It was spectacular. When we arrived they had a bottle of champagne waiting for me as a birthday treat!! Fantastic!!
We arrived at the Benbow Inn just in time for afternoon tea and yummy heart shaped scones. After that we headed for the Redwoods. I don't really have words that can adequately explain how much I enjoyed the Redwoods. I was overwhelmed and in awe of this massive giants. Most have been there for about 1800 years. Can you believe that? Long before I was ever a thought in this world, these trees were standing, and when I'm no longer here, they more than likely will still be standing. Amazing.
My Redwood tree pics aren't that fabulous. Remember, I don't have a pony. Rebecca, send me some photos for my memories. Grrr!! While there, Vivien pulled out the Native American flute--which they didn't teach me how to play again!!--and this amazing thing happened. You see, there was a hawk flying over head and he kept circling around to the music. Eventually he brought some friends, and then more friends. These hawks circled above us while she played her music. It was fantastic.
After loads of fun exploring the Redwoods we took a wee scenic route in order for me to see the coast on our way back to Woodland.
We stopped in the quaint city of Mendocino. I love, love this town. I think all the gardeners of the world live and/or retire here. Every house and garden was a treat for they eyes.
Basically, I had an absolute blast on my birthday. A big thank you to Rebecca, Vivien and Mook for all the love and fun. It will be a birthday I remember always!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
batter bowl
Friday, April 17, 2009
Greek Irish Dancing
And I just watched the best dance audition I have seen in some time. It brought me so much joy & laughter that I am still smiling as I type this. You must go to the link below because it won't allow embedding. Put it this way, even Simon LOVED it!!!
Stavros Flatley--Greek Irish Dancers:
Another Day-o-Snow
I have one concern though that I did not have last time. My lights keep flickering on and off--also my heat, not a good thing!--and when I looked out in my backyard I noticed that there was so much snow and slush on the cable, phone and electric wires. They are hanging down so low that I would literally be about a foot taller to the lowest wire hanging. I think the difference is this winter storm started out a slushie mess and now all that slush is turning to ice as it gets colder this evening.
Jesus, please keep my electric working or I might freeze tonight.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Do Re Mi
Man, I totally love musicals and everything they do for them!!
Yes, Rebecca, that's what I said. I LOVE THEM!!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Brunch: Brianna & Sarah Style
The menu included:
- Sausage/Egg/Hashbrown Casserole
- Waffles
- Cinnamon Rolls
- Fresh Strawberries
- and of course, Mimosas!!
Way to go Ladies. Way to go!!
They decorated the table for us. If you look closely, you'll see that Brianna added a Jesus candle. I don't know what to do with that girl, sometimes. Ha!
Tasia and her mad decorating skills.
A few of the eggs!
And for those of you who need a good laugh. Here's Brianna explaining the how's and why's of Easter Egg Decorating!!